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طراحی یک ماژول گالری عکس خوب دیتالایف

پیشنهاد ماژول گالری

24 پاسخ برای این موضوع

#1 hassan1365


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ارسالی 1394/09/24 ساعت 17:12

با سلام خدمت دوستان

یه کم بودی که همیشه توی سایت دیتالایفی ها بود نبود ماژول گالری هستش

از دوستان کسی هست که بتونه واسه پیشرفت دیتالایف ماژول رو بنویسه


پیشاپیش ممنون


راستی این ورژن 2 گالری حمید داستانی چی شد ؟

کسی خبری داره ؟

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#2 hassan1365


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ارسالی 1394/09/26 ساعت 10:43

از دوستان کسی ماژول گالری خوب سراغ نداره ؟

  • 0

#3 حمید یوسفی

حمید یوسفی


  • عضو سایت
  • ستارهستارهستارهستارهستاره
  • 1,239 ارسال
  • محل سکونت: تهران

ارسالی 1394/09/26 ساعت 13:05

دوست عزیز. من قصد نوشتن چنین ماژولی رو دارم. اما متاسفانه تا کنون فرصتی برای انجام این کار رو نداشتم.

از آخر هفته دیگه قصد دارم با تمام شدن بخشی از پروژه های فعال کنونی، این ماژول رو هم شروع کنم.

مواردی که به نظر شما یک ماژول گالری مناسب (و البته تجاری) باید داشته باشه رو لطفا ذکر کنید تا مورد استفاده قرار بگیره... B)

  • 1

#4 Eh3an


    مدیر بخش ماژول ها

  • مدیر
  • 1,742 ارسال
  • محل سکونت: ایران - اردبیل
  • مهارت ها: HTML, CSS, js, SQL, PHP, SEO

ارسالی 1394/09/26 ساعت 13:36

دوست عزیز. من قصد نوشتن چنین ماژولی رو دارم. اما متاسفانه تا کنون فرصتی برای انجام این کار رو نداشتم.

از آخر هفته دیگه قصد دارم با تمام شدن بخشی از پروژه های فعال کنونی، این ماژول رو هم شروع کنم.

مواردی که به نظر شما یک ماژول گالری مناسب (و البته تجاری) باید داشته باشه رو لطفا ذکر کنید تا مورد استفاده قرار بگیره... B)

حمید جان اگه امکان داشته باشه یه نسخه رایگان و یه نسخه تجاری ( که امکانات بیشتری رو شامل بشه ) رو منتشر کنین  :wub:

  • 0

#5 حمید یوسفی

حمید یوسفی


  • عضو سایت
  • ستارهستارهستارهستارهستاره
  • 1,239 ارسال
  • محل سکونت: تهران

ارسالی 1394/09/26 ساعت 14:49

حمید جان اگه امکان داشته باشه یه نسخه رایگان و یه نسخه تجاری ( که امکانات بیشتری رو شامل بشه ) رو منتشر کنین  :wub:

بسته به شرایط و مشورت با برخی همکاران تصمیم می گیریم که به چه صورت. فعلا روی جزئیات ماژول به نتیجه برسیم! :lol:

  • 1

#6 hassan1365


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ارسالی 1394/10/12 ساعت 08:28

پیشاپیش از همکاری شما ممنونم دوست عزیز


امکاناتی که تو سایت آقای داستانی دیدم و فکر کنم امکانات کاملی بود :


  • امکان ایجاد گالری ( با امکان چینش و وضعیت)
  • امکان ایجاد آلبوم برای گالری ها ( با امکان چینش و وضعیت)
  • آپلود تصاویر در آلبوم ها ( با امکان چینش و وضعیت)
  • تهیه یک نسخه thumbnail ( کوچک شده) و ایجاد Watermark (برچسب دلخواه) روی تصویر هنگام آپلود
  • امکان آپلود گروهی و همزمان چندین تصویر به آلبوم
  • نمایش تعداد بازدید از هر تصویر و آلبوم
  • مدیریت در حذف تصاویر ( Multimedia)
  • دارای تنظیمات دو بخش مدیریت و کاربری
  • قابلیت تنظیم و پیکربندی تمام قسمت ها
  • قابلیت نظر دهی و تایید نظرات از مدیریت گالری
  • قابلیت نمایش نظرات تایید شده توسط مدیر
  • قابلیت تنظیم وضعیت نمایش نظرات
  • امکان نمایش تصاویر منتخب در صفحه اصلی
  • امکان جستجو در بین تصاویر
  • نمایش پربازدیدترین تصاویر
  • نمایش آخرین تصاویر در صفحه اصلی


اینم لینک سایت : [url="http://dastanionline.ir/%D9%BE%DB%8C%D8%B4-%D9%86%D9%85%D8%A7%DB%8C%D8%B4-%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%B2%D9%88%D9%86%D9%87-%DA%AF%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%DB%8C-%D8%B9%DA%A9%D8%B3-%D8%AD%D9%85%DB%8C%D8%AF-%D9%86%D8%B3%D8%AE%D9%87-%D9%BE/"]http://dastanionline.ir/%D9%BE%DB%8C%D8%B4-%D9%86%D9%85%D8%A7%DB%8C%D8%B4-%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%B2%D9%88%D9%86%D9%87-%DA%AF%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%DB%8C-%D8%B9%DA%A9%D8%B3-%D8%AD%D9%85%DB%8C%D8%AF-%D9%86%D8%B3%D8%AE%D9%87-%D9%BE/[/url]

  • 1

#7 حمید یوسفی

حمید یوسفی


  • عضو سایت
  • ستارهستارهستارهستارهستاره
  • 1,239 ارسال
  • محل سکونت: تهران

ارسالی 1394/10/12 ساعت 17:23

اینم لینک سایت : http://dastanionline.ir/%D9%BE%DB%8C%D8%B4-%D9%86%D9%85%D8%A7%DB%8C%D8%B4-%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%B2%D9%88%D9%86%D9%87-%DA%AF%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%DB%8C-%D8%B9%DA%A9%D8%B3-%D8%AD%D9%85%DB%8C%D8%AF-%D9%86%D8%B3%D8%AE%D9%87-%D9%BE/

آقای داستانی یکی از همکاران بسیار ارجمند ما هستند، وانگهی انتظار نداشته باشید ماژول مطابق محصول ایشون تولید بشه؛ اما مواردی که فرمودید، واقعا راهنمای خوبی است. ممنونم.

  • 1

#8 Guest_whit datalifeengine_*

Guest_whit datalifeengine_*
  • میهمان

ارسالی 1394/10/12 ساعت 23:35

امیدوارم دوستان باتحلیل کلی یه مازول گالری عکس واسه دیتالایف بنویسن.
باید توجه کنند که متفاوت از گالری قبلی با امکانات بیشتر..
پیشاپیش خدا قوت
  • 0

#9 amir263


    عضو جدید

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ارسالی 1395/02/06 ساعت 17:20

سلام و عرض خدا قوت

این ماژول گالری حاضر نشده هنوز؟؟

  • 0

#10 حمید یوسفی

حمید یوسفی


  • عضو سایت
  • ستارهستارهستارهستارهستاره
  • 1,239 ارسال
  • محل سکونت: تهران

ارسالی 1395/02/06 ساعت 19:32

سلام. متاسفانه به دلیل حجم بالای کار، ماژول گالری در مراحلی متوقف شده که امید میره به زودی با سبک تر شدن مشغله ها ادامه اون مجددا شروع بشه. با عرض پوزش از وقفه های پیش آمده...

  • 0

#11 Guest_Jessefiege_*

  • میهمان

ارسالی 1403/03/26 ساعت 08:13

yo anyone, Do any of you rent dump trailers as part of your business, or do you use dump trailers for private or commercial use? I'm always curious about hearing about how others in the business are running their fleets and what brands you're finding success with. I thought I'd share my thoughts on Top Shelf Trailers. My name is Jesse, and I operate a dump trailer rental business out of Atlanta. After a lot of research and comparisons, I decided to trust Top Shelf Trailers for my entire business, and it has been a great decision. I currently have four of their 7x14x4 14k dump trailers, all equipped with ramps, tarp, and a spare tire. The best part? I spent only $10,495 for each. I went to Florida to pick up my first trailer, but they delivered the other three at incredibly low rates, which was a huge bonus. Their trailers have been extremely trustworthy and have made a big difference in my operations. If you're thinking about a new dump trailer, I highly recommend giving them a call at (888) 654-3587. Can't wait to hear your thoughts and experiences!
  • 0

#12 Guest_Jessefiege_*

  • میهمان

ارسالی 1403/03/26 ساعت 08:13

yo whats up everybody,

Do any of you folks hire dump trailers as part of your company, or do you have dump trailers for personal or commercial use? I'm always keen on learning how others in the business are managing their fleets and what brands you're finding success with.

I wanted to share my experience with Top Shelf Trailers. My name is Jesse, and I manage a dump trailer rental business out of Atlanta. After a lot of looking around and comparisons, I decided to trust Top Shelf Trailers for my whole business, and it has been a fantastic decision.

I now have four of their 7x14x4 14k dump trailers, all equipped with ramps, tarp, and a spare tire. The best part? I spent only $10,495 for each. I made a trip down to Florida to pick up my first trailer, but they shipped the other three at incredibly low rates, which was a huge bonus.

Their trailers have been extremely reliable and have made a significant difference in my operations. If you're considering a new dump trailer, I highly recommend giving them a call at (888) 654-3587.

Can't wait to hear your thoughts and experiences!
  • 0

#13 Guest_Jessefiege_*

  • میهمان

ارسالی 1403/03/26 ساعت 08:13

Hi everyone, Do any of you folks hire dump trailers for your business, or do you use dump trailers for personal or commercial use? I'm always curious about hearing about how others in the business are managing their fleets and what brands you're finding success with. I wanted to share my thoughts on Top Shelf Trailers. My name is Jesse, and I manage a dump trailer rental business out of Atlanta. After a lot of research and comparisons, I chose to go with Top Shelf Trailers for my whole business, and it has been a wonderful decision. I own 4 of their 7x14x4 14k dump trailers, all equipped with ramps, tarp, and a spare tire. The best part? I spent only $10,495 for each. I made a trip down to Florida to pick up my first trailer, but they delivered the other three at incredibly low rates, which was a huge bonus. Their trailers have been extremely reliable and have made a significant difference in my operations. If you're considering a new dump trailer, I strongly suggest giving them a call at (888) 654-3587. Looking forward to your thoughts and experiences!
  • 0

#14 Guest_Jessefiege_*

  • میهمان

ارسالی 1403/03/26 ساعت 08:14

hello anyone,

Do any of you here lease dump trailers for your enterprise, or do you have dump trailers for personal or business use? I'm always curious about learning how others in the business are handling their fleets and what brands you're finding success with.

I wanted to talk about my experience with Top Shelf Trailers. My name is Jesse, and I manage a dump trailer rental business out of Atlanta. After a lot of looking around and comparisons, I chose to go with Top Shelf Trailers for my whole business, and it has been a wonderful decision.

I own 4 of their 7x14x4 14k dump trailers, all fitted with ramps, tarp, and a spare tire. The best part? I spent only $10,495 for each. I went to Florida to pick up my first trailer, but they delivered the other three at incredibly low rates, which was a huge bonus.

Their trailers have been extremely dependable and have made a big difference in my operations. If you're thinking about a new dump trailer, I highly recommend giving them a call at (888) 654-3587.

Looking forward to your thoughts and experiences!
  • 0

#15 Guest_Jessefiege_*

  • میهمان

ارسالی 1403/03/26 ساعت 08:14

yo anyone,

Do some of you lease dump trailers as part of your business, or do you use dump trailers for private or business use? I'm always interested in understanding how others in the business are handling their fleets and what brands you're having success with.

I wanted to share my experience with Top Shelf Trailers. My name is Jesse, and I operate a dump trailer rental business out of Atlanta. After a lot of research and comparisons, I decided to go with Top Shelf Trailers for my entire business, and it has been a fantastic decision.

I currently have four of their 7x14x4 14k dump trailers, all fitted with ramps, tarp, and a spare tire. The best part? I spent only $10,495 for each. I went to Florida to pick up my first trailer, but they delivered the other three at incredibly low rates, which was a huge bonus.

Their trailers have been extremely dependable and have made a significant difference in my operations. If you're considering a new dump trailer, I strongly suggest giving them a call at (888) 654-3587.

Can't wait to hear your thoughts and experiences!
  • 0

#16 Guest_Jessefiege_*

  • میهمان

ارسالی 1403/03/26 ساعت 08:15

yo whats up anyone,

Do some of you lease dump trailers for your company, or do you have dump trailers for private or business use? I'm always interested in hearing about how others in the business are managing their fleets and what brands you're finding success with.

I wanted to share my thoughts on Top Shelf Trailers. My name is Jesse, and I manage a dump trailer rental business out of Atlanta. After a lot of looking around and comparisons, I chose to trust Top Shelf Trailers for my whole business, and it has been a wonderful decision.

I own four of their 7x14x4 14k dump trailers, all fitted with ramps, tarp, and a spare tire. The best part? I spent only $10,495 for each. I made a trip down to Florida to pick up my first trailer, but they delivered the other three at incredibly low rates, which was a huge bonus.

Their trailers have been extremely reliable and have made a big difference in my operations. If you're thinking about a new dump trailer, I strongly suggest giving them a call at (888) 654-3587.

Can't wait to hear your thoughts and experiences!
  • 0

#17 Guest_Jessefiege_*

  • میهمان

ارسالی 1403/03/26 ساعت 08:15

Hey everybody,

Do any of you rent dump trailers as part of your enterprise, or do you use dump trailers for personal or commercial use? I'm always curious about hearing about how others in the business are managing their fleets and what brands you're having success with.

I wanted to talk about my experience with Top Shelf Trailers. My name is Jesse, and I operate a dump trailer rental business out of Atlanta. After a lot of looking around and comparisons, I decided to go with Top Shelf Trailers for my whole business, and it has been a fantastic decision.

I own four of their 7x14x4 14k dump trailers, all equipped with ramps, tarp, and a spare tire. The best part? I spent only $10,495 for each. I made a trip down to Florida to pick up my first trailer, but they delivered the other three at incredibly low rates, which was a huge bonus.

Their trailers have been extremely trustworthy and have made a big difference in my operations. If you're thinking about a new dump trailer, I strongly suggest giving them a call at (888) 654-3587.

Can't wait to hear your thoughts and experiences!
  • 0

#18 Guest_Jessefiege_*

  • میهمان

ارسالی 1403/03/26 ساعت 08:16

hello everybody,

Do any of you folks hire dump trailers as part of your business, or do you have dump trailers for personal or business use? I'm always keen on understanding how others in the industry are managing their fleets and what brands you're finding success with.

I thought I'd share my experience with Top Shelf Trailers. My name is Jesse, and I run a dump trailer rental business out of Atlanta. After a lot of research and comparisons, I decided to trust Top Shelf Trailers for my whole business, and it has been a fantastic decision.

I own 4 of their 7x14x4 14k dump trailers, all fitted with ramps, tarp, and a spare tire. The best part? I spent only $10,495 for each. I made a trip down to Florida to pick up my first trailer, but they shipped the other three at incredibly low rates, which was a huge bonus.

Their trailers have been extremely trustworthy and have made a big difference in my operations. If you're considering a new dump trailer, I highly recommend giving them a call at (888) 654-3587.

Can't wait to hear your thoughts and experiences!
  • 0

#19 Guest_Jessefiege_*

  • میهمان

ارسالی 1403/03/26 ساعت 08:16

Hey everybody,

Do any of you here hire dump trailers as part of your enterprise, or do you use dump trailers for personal or business use? I'm always interested in understanding how others in the business are running their fleets and what brands you're having success with.

I thought I'd share my experience with Top Shelf Trailers. My name is Jesse, and I manage a dump trailer rental business out of Atlanta. After a lot of looking around and comparisons, I chose to trust Top Shelf Trailers for my whole business, and it has been a fantastic decision.

I now have four of their 7x14x4 14k dump trailers, all fitted with ramps, tarp, and a spare tire. The best part? I spent only $10,495 for each. I went to Florida to pick up my first trailer, but they delivered the other three at incredibly low rates, which was a huge bonus.

Their trailers have been extremely dependable and have made a significant difference in my operations. If you're thinking about a new dump trailer, I highly recommend giving them a call at (888) 654-3587.

Can't wait to hear your thoughts and experiences!
  • 0

#20 Guest_Jessefiege_*

  • میهمان

ارسالی 1403/03/26 ساعت 08:17

yo whats up everybody,

Do any of you lease dump trailers as part of your enterprise, or do you own dump trailers for personal or business use? I'm always keen on learning how others in the industry are running their fleets and what brands you're finding success with.

I thought I'd share my experience with Top Shelf Trailers. My name is Jesse, and I manage a dump trailer rental business out of Atlanta. After a lot of research and comparisons, I decided to trust Top Shelf Trailers for my whole business, and it has been a great decision.

I own four of their 7x14x4 14k dump trailers, all equipped with ramps, tarp, and a spare tire. The best part? I spent only $10,495 for each. I went to Florida to pick up my first trailer, but they shipped the other three at incredibly low rates, which was a huge bonus.

Their trailers have been extremely dependable and have made a significant difference in my operations. If you're thinking about a new dump trailer, I highly recommend giving them a call at (888) 654-3587.

Can't wait to hear your thoughts and experiences!
  • 0

ارسال پاسخ


4 کاربر در حال خواندن این موضوع است

0 کاربر، 4 مهمان و 0 عضو مخفی