بعد از نصب دیتالایف این خطا به من نمایش داده شده.
MySQL error in file: /engine/modules/functions.php at line 1520
Error Number: 1139
The Error returned was:
Got error 'this version of PCRE is compiled without UTF support at offset 0' from regexp
Got error 'this version of PCRE is compiled without UTF support at offset 0' from regexp
SQL query:
SELECT p.id, p.autor, p.date, p.short_story, CHAR_LENGTH(p.full_story) as full_story, p.xfields, p.title, p.category, p.alt_name, p.comm_num, p.allow_comm, p.fixed, p.tags, e.news_read, e.allow_rate, e.rating, e.vote_num, e.votes, e.view_edit, e.editdate, e.editor, e.reason FROM dle_post p LEFT JOIN dle_post_extras e ON (p.id=e.news_id) WHERE category regexp '[[:<:]](1)[[:>:]]' AND date < '2017-10-07 17:02:36' AND approve=1 ORDER BY news_read DESC LIMIT 0,3
SELECT p.id, p.autor, p.date, p.short_story, CHAR_LENGTH(p.full_story) as full_story, p.xfields, p.title, p.category, p.alt_name, p.comm_num, p.allow_comm, p.fixed, p.tags, e.news_read, e.allow_rate, e.rating, e.vote_num, e.votes, e.view_edit, e.editdate, e.editor, e.reason FROM dle_post p LEFT JOIN dle_post_extras e ON (p.id=e.news_id) WHERE category regexp '[[:<:]](1)[[:>:]]' AND date < '2017-10-07 17:02:36' AND approve=1 ORDER BY news_read DESC LIMIT 0,3
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